Game designer & programmer

During my contract time with Embreate, I’ve worked on multiple games; the two that this page will focus on is Wittle and Man HuntWittle is a casual rhythm game where players play as a depressed individual trying to maintain a constant work pace while dealing with negative thoughts. Man Hunt is a first-person shooter (inspired by Duck Hunt) where players blast vultures (who all represent homophobic celebrities) and turn them into harmless unicorns.

As one of the Game Designers, I contributed by prototyping a variety of mechanics and researching current game trends. In addition, I advocated for accessibility features (including fully customizable difficulty and ability to turn off different screen effects) and worked with different input devices (including touch screen, mouse controls, Wii Remote, and Tobii EyeTracker).



Casual Rhythm


Unity Engine

Man Hunt


First Person Shooter


Unity Engine

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